Cortado vs Flat White

Cortado or Flat White? We've got you covered with our in-depth comparison of these popular coffee drinks

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between Cortado vs Flat White

As coffee enthusiasts, we love exploring and experimenting with different coffee beverages. Cortado vs Flat White is a common dilemma for those seeking a new coffee experience. Two such popular drinks that have gained immense popularity in recent years are cortado and flat white, but they have their unique characteristics and flavor profiles. In this article, we’ll delve into the differences and similarities between cortado and flat white, helping you choose the one that suits your taste buds the best.

Brief History and Origin of Each Beverage

Cortado, which is Spanish for “cut,” originated in Spain and is a popular drink in Spanish-speaking countries. The drink is made by “cutting” or diluting an espresso shot with an equal amount of steamed milk. The result is a smooth and velvety drink that has a perfect balance of espresso and milk.

Flat white, on the other hand, is a drink that originated in Australia or New Zealand, depending on whom you ask. It is made by steaming milk and pouring it over a double shot of espresso. The milk is steamed in a way that creates a velvety microfoam, which is then poured over the espresso shot, resulting in a creamy and smooth drink.

Explanation of the Composition and Preparation of Each Drink

Cortado is made by pouring a double shot of espresso into a small glass, and then adding an equal amount of steamed milk to it. The milk is not frothed, but simply steamed to a velvety texture that blends perfectly with the espresso shot. The ratio of espresso to milk is 1:1, resulting in a stronger and bolder taste.

Flat white is made by pouring a double shot of espresso into a small cup, and then adding steamed milk to it. The milk is steamed in a way that creates a microfoam, which is then poured over the espresso shot. The ratio of espresso to milk is 1:3, resulting in a smoother and creamier taste.

Comparison of the Traditional Recipes

Both cortado and flat white have their unique recipes that have been passed down through generations. While the preparation of cortado is relatively simple, the traditional flat white recipe requires specific techniques to create the perfect microfoam. The traditional cortado is served in a small glass, while the flat white is served in a ceramic cup.


  • Cortado and Flat White are both espresso-based coffee beverages.
  • They have differences in milk to espresso ratio, milk foam texture and consistency, and flavor profile and strength of coffee.
  • Personal preferences, purpose of consumption, and cultural significance play a role in choosing between the two.

Cortado vs Flat White: Differences in Milk to Espresso Ratio

Explanation of the Difference in Milk and Espresso Ratio in Each Drink

The main difference between cortado and flat white lies in their milk to espresso ratio. Cortado has a 1:1 ratio of espresso to milk, while flat white has a 1:3 ratio. This means that cortado has a stronger and bolder taste, while flat white has a smoother and creamier taste.

The Effect of Milk and Espresso Ratio on the Taste and Texture of the Drink

The milk to espresso ratio plays a significant role in determining the taste and texture of the drink. In cortado, the equal amount of steamed milk perfectly balances the bold and strong taste of espresso, resulting in a smooth and velvety drink. In flat white, the higher amount of steamed milk creates a creamy and smooth texture that complements the espresso shot.

Comparison of the Milk to Espresso Ratio in Different Regions and Cafes

The milk to espresso ratio in cortado and flat white can vary depending on the region and café. Some cafes may make their cortado with a higher milk to espresso ratio, while some may make their flat white with a lower ratio. It is essential to understand the milk to espresso ratio of each café and region before ordering your drink.

Cortado vs Flat White: Differences in Milk Foam Texture and Consistency

Explanation of the Difference in Milk Foam Texture and Consistency in Each Drink

The milk foam texture and consistency in cortado and flat white also differ significantly. Cortado has a thin layer of steamed milk on top of the espresso shot, while flat white has a velvety microfoam that covers the entire drink.

The Effect of Milk Foam Texture and Consistency on the Taste and Texture of the Drink

The milk foam texture and consistency play a crucial role in the taste and texture of the drink. The thin layer of steamed milk in cortado adds a subtle sweetness to the drink, while the velvety microfoam in flat white adds a creamy and smooth texture.

Comparison of the Milk Foam Texture and Consistency in Different Regions and Cafes

The milk foam texture and consistency in cortado and flat white can vary depending on the region and café. Some cafes may make their cortado with a thicker layer of steamed milk, while some may make their flat white with a thinner microfoam. It is essential to understand the milk foam texture and consistency of each café and region before ordering your drink.

Cortado vs Flat White:

AspectCortadoFlat White
Milk to Espresso Ratio1:11:3
Milk Foam TextureThin layer of steamed milkVelvety microfoam
ConsistencyThinCreamy and smooth
Flavor ProfileBolder and strongerSmoother and creamier
Strength of CoffeeStrongMilder

Differences in Flavor Profile and Strength of Coffee

Explanation of the Difference in Flavor Profile and Strength of Coffee in Each Drink

The flavor profile and strength of coffee in cortado and flat white also differ significantly. Cortado has a bolder and stronger taste, with a subtle sweetness from the steamed milk. Flat white has a smoother and creamier taste, with a velvety texture from the microfoam.

The Effect of Flavor Profile and Strength of Coffee on the Taste and Texture of the Drink

The flavor profile and strength of coffee play a vital role in the taste and texture of the drink. The bolder and stronger taste of cortado makes it a perfect drink for those who love the taste of espresso. The smoother and creamier taste of flat white makes it a perfect drink for those who prefer a milder taste.

Comparison of the Flavor Profile and Strength of Coffee in Different Regions and Cafes

The flavor profile and strength of coffee in cortado and flat white can vary depending on the region and café. Some cafes may make their cortado with a milder or stronger espresso shot, while some may make their flat white with a bolder or milder taste. It is essential to understand the flavor profile and strength of coffee of each café and region before ordering your drink.

Cortado vs Flat White: Similarities between the Drinks

While cortado and flat white have their unique characteristics, they also share some similarities.

Both are Espresso-Based Drinks

Cortado and flat white are both espresso-based drinks that use a double shot of espresso as the base.

Both Contain Steamed Milk

Both cortado and flat white contain steamed milk, which gives the drinks their unique texture and taste.

Discussion on How the Similarities Contribute to the Popularity of These Drinks

The similarities between cortado and flat white contribute to their popularity among coffee enthusiasts. Both drinks provide a perfect balance of espresso and milk, resulting in a delicious and satisfying drink that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

Which Drink to Choose: Personal Preferences and Purpose of Consumption

Choosing between cortado and flat white ultimately comes down to personal taste preferences and the purpose of consumption.

Personal Preference in Taste and Texture

If you love the bold and strong taste of espresso, then cortado is the drink for you. If you prefer a milder taste with a creamy and smooth texture, then flat white is the drink for you.

Time of Day and Purpose of Consumption

Cortado is a perfect drink for those who need a quick and strong caffeine fix in the morning. Flat white is a perfect drink for those who want to savor their coffee and enjoy a creamy and smooth taste.

Availability and Popularity in Different Regions

Cortado is more popular in Spanish-speaking countries, while flat white is more popular in Australia and New Zealand. It is essential to understand the availability and popularity of each drink in different regions before ordering your drink.

Discussion on How to Make Informed Choices between the Two Drinks

Making informed choices between cortado and flat white requires understanding the differences and similarities between the two drinks and knowing your personal taste preferences. It is also essential to understand the purpose of consumption and the availability and popularity of each drink in different regions.

Personal Experience: Cortado vs Flat White

As a coffee lover, I decided to explore the subtle differences between two espresso drinks – the Cortado and the Flat White.

On a visit to my local café, I tried the Cortado first. The barista expertly poured a double shot of rich espresso into a small glass and added an equal amount of steamed milk. The smooth, creamy drink balanced the bold espresso and silky milk beautifully. It was perfect for a mid-morning lift.

A few days later, craving more, I tried the Flat White – an Australian specialty. The barista used a single shot of mellower espresso and creamy microfoamed milk in a ceramic cup. On my first sip, the espresso complemented the velvety milk seamlessly. It was a comforting afternoon drink for reading.

Through trying both, I realized the differing ratios of coffee to milk, milk texture, and flavors create unique experiences. The Cortado gives a bold, espresso-focused taste, while the Flat White is more balanced and creamy.

In the end, choosing between a Cortado and Flat White comes down to your taste and when you’re drinking it. If you want a stronger coffee kick, go for a Cortado. For a creamier, mellower drink, try a Flat White. Both provide a wonderful espresso experience. Experiment with each – your taste buds will guide you to your perfect coffee drink.

How to Make Cortado and Flat White at Home

Making cortado and flat white at home is relatively easy and requires some basic equipment and ingredients.

Equipment Needed

To make cortado and flat white at home, you’ll need an espresso machine, a milk frother, a small glass or ceramic cup, and fresh coffee beans.

Ingredient List and Measurements

For cortado, you’ll need 2 ounces of espresso and 2 ounces of steamed milk. For flat white, you’ll need 2 ounces of espresso and 6 ounces of steamed milk.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Preparation

  1. Grind fresh coffee beans and extract a double shot of espresso.
  2. Steam the milk using a milk frother until it reaches a velvety texture.
  3. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso shot.
  4. For cortado, use a small glass, and for flat white, use a ceramic cup.

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Cortado or Flat White at Home

To achieve the perfect cortado or flat white at home, use fresh coffee beans, steam the milk to a velvety texture, and pour the milk over the espresso shot at the right temperature.

Variations and Adaptations of Cortado and Flat White

Cortado and flat white can be adapted and customized to suit individual taste preferences.

Different Types of Milk

Cortado and flat white can be made with different types of milk, such as oat, almond, soy, or coconut milk.

Adding Syrups or Flavorings

Cortado and flat white can be customized by adding syrups or flavorings such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut.

Serving the Drink over Ice

Cortado and flat white can be served over ice for a refreshing and delicious iced coffee drink.

Discussion on How These Variations Can Affect the Taste and Overall Experience of the Drink

The variations and adaptations of cortado and flat white can significantly affect the taste and overall experience of the drink. Using different types of milk or adding syrups or flavorings can add a new dimension to the drink.

Cultural Significance of Cortado and Flat White

Cortado and flat white have significant cultural significance in different regions of the world.

Popular in Different Regions of the World

Cortado is popular in Spanish-speaking countries, while flat white is popular in Australia and New Zealand.

Connection to Coffee Culture and Social Norms

Cortado and flat white are closely connected to coffee culture and social norms in different regions of the world.

Historical and Contemporary Significance in the Coffee Industry

Cortado and flat white have a historical and contemporary significance in the coffee industry, and have played a crucial role in the growth and popularity of coffee beverages.

Discussion on How Cultural Significance Affects the Understanding and Appreciation of the Drinks

Understanding the cultural significance of cortado and flat white can help us appreciate the drinks better and understand their unique characteristics and flavor profiles.


Cortado and flat white are two espresso-based drinks that have gained immense popularity among coffee enthusiasts. Choosing between cortado and flat white ultimately comes down to personal taste preferences and the purpose of consumption. By understanding the differences and similarities between the two drinks, we can make informed choices and appreciate the unique characteristics of each drink. So, next time you’re at your favorite café, go ahead and try a cortado or flat white and explore the world of coffee.

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